Here's how to PreOrder
Preorder One 2018 Tudor Planner
Preorder Two Tudor Planners (one for you, one for a gift)
*These are preorders, and they will automatically ship November 15, 2017. I'll send regular updates after your order to keep you appraised on the production and shipping schedule
Planning + Tudor History Awesome
Let me paint a picture for you. It's a Sunday evening, and you're curled up on the couch listening to some Renaissance lute music, a cup of earl grey on the coffee table. Spread out all around the tea are your favorite felt tip pens. And your planner. And you are in the Planning Zone, pulling together all the post-its, the lists, and the ideas swirling around in your head, getting them down in your trusty planner.
What an awesome feeling, right?
What would be better than spending those Sunday evenings planning, and then having a constant reminder of Tudor history on your desk, or in your bag? When you're at the dentist, and you're scheduling your appointment for 6 months from now. You pull out this gorgeous illuminated manuscript, that looks like you nicked it from a museum, and then nonchalantly write the appointment in, like no biggie.
What if you could have a planner that would bring together easy and organized pages in
Tudor fonts with a gorgeous historic cover?
And have it be filled with history and musical listening suggestions?
Yeah, so that's what the Tudor Planner is 🙂
Here's how to PreOrder
Preorder One 2018 Tudor Planner
Preorder Two Tudor Planners (one for you, one for a gift)
*These are preorders, and they will automatically ship November 15, 2017. I'll send regular updates after your order to keep you appraised on the production and shipping schedule
Then there's the history ....

Hey, I'm Heather, the host of the popular indie show The Renaissance English History Podcast (you’re on the show website now – take a minute to explore and look around and listen to the archive if you’ve never been here before! I think you’ll like it).
I've been podcasting on Tudor England since 2009, and I've been writing about history online since 1998. In 2017 I designed the first Tudor Planner, and it's just getting better this year thanks to feedback I received on the first one.
When you first pick the planner up you’ll see a gorgeous cover modeled on an illuminated manuscript. It's a hard cover, with coil binding so it will lay flat. There's a ribbon marker, and folded pocket in the back. It will look gorgeous on your desk, but at 6×9 inches (about the size of a Moleskin notebook) it can easily go into your bag. Open it up and you’ll see planning pages that will help keep you organized, simultaneously feeling like you’ve stepped back in time.
The planner dates start in December, 2017 and goes until the end of January, 2019, with weekly and monthly pages. There are plenty of pages in the back, both lined with narrow rule, and grid rule, so you can take plenty of notes, and bullet journal in it, too.
And then there’s the history.
Each monthly page has a quote from a famous Tudor personality, and a This Month in Tudor History highlight. Plus a listening recommendation for an English Renaissance album for that month (because my particular passion is 16th century music). All of the recommendations are in an exclusive Spotify playlist with the link so you can easily listen whenever you like. The weekly pages have events that happened that month in Tudor history.
You'll stay organized in Tudor style!
Here's how to PreOrder
Preorder One 2018 Tudor Planner
Preorder Two Tudor Planners (one for you, one for a gift)
*These are preorders, and they will automatically ship November 15, 2017. I'll send regular updates after your order to keep you appraised on the production and shipping schedule
And if you’re a student, I’m giving you the downloadable PDF version for free. Because I want you to love history, and be reminded of it all year long. Just email me a copy of your student ID, and I’ll send you the PDF. *This is an ongoing forever offer for students, but please note that I only answer the student emails once a week in a time I have blocked out for that, so please don’t be upset with me if you don’t get your download info right away.*
I want you to love using the Tudor Planner as much as I’ve loved making it. I can’t wait to share this with you, and hear what you think! Order now to get your own Tudor Planner! And seriously, if you haven’t yet, check out the podcast. It’s just a click away. I really think you’ll enjoy it. Thanks!