Watching the Tudors Season 2 Episode 1: Everything is Beautiful

by Heather  - June 6, 2017

Watching The Tudors Season 2 Episode 1 Everything is Beautiful:

We’re talking about Anne Boleyn’s rise to the throne. We get some interesting foreshadowing here of witchcraft accusations, and there’s a really horrible scene where a cook gets boiled to death (which really happened).

Also, this is our first episode on Acast (our new hosting) and there will be an ad. I hope we’ve worked it in properly. Sorry if it bugs you. Thanks for your patience as we figure this out.

The most important larger theme (ie larger for most people in 16th century England) is the idea of positioning Anne as a witch very early on. This is a common way for men to sideline noble women. And even non-noble women who were older and alone with no protection feared the witchcraft label, and it was a real fear.

Below the episode, I’ve put another episode I did with Britney of History, Bitches (a great feminist history podcast) on witchcraft. We talk a lot about witches in early modern England. It’s good listening if you want to dig into the witchcraft scene on a deeper level.

Finally, the episode with the cook was real. I’m adding in some links below on that episode, which is one of the most sinister History Mysteries I know.

But here, Watching The Tudors Season 2 Episode 1 Everything is Beautiful:

Witches and witchcraft episode:

Roose Poisoning

The Tudor Top 50 Program

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