This week in Tudor History: March 30 edition

by Heather  - April 1, 2018

The news cycle is fast, and it’s hard to keep up with our favorite interests and topics! That’s why once a week I make up this post with the top stories that have caught my attention.

Listen to:
the music of Robert Johnson, a mysterious Scottish composer who found favor at the court of Henry VIII

here’s some of his lute music on Spotify

Online Courses 
FutureLearn is offering a course on England in the Time of Richard III that might interest you, and it’s available to join now for free:

Does Pembroke Castle still hide the actual house where Henry VII was born?
Studies will continue to see whether a manor house still exists where Lady Margaret Beaufort gave birth to Henry.

A stone carving in Meath might be the head of Catherine of Valois:

The Tudor Top 50 Program

Days Out
Visit Blackmore – the site of a legendary love nest for Henry and Bessie Blount.

Eltham Palace – a less visited castle just outside of London

Originally built as a palace that was gifted to Edward II in 1305 by the then Bishop of Durham, Anthony Bek, the sturdy fortress was used as one of the official residences of the Monarch for over 200 years. A favourite of King Henry IV, the palace is famous for hosting the only Byzantine Emperor to ever visit our shores, Manuel II Palaiologos, an event so big King Henry held a joust in his honour.


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Supplemental April 1: Robin, Eric, and the Springtime Duel
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