A tool to give life to the stories you want to tell.

  • A deck of 52 cards. Story starters and writing prompts. 
  • ​An accompanying eBook that contains even more prompts and background information.
  • An online group for support during National Novel Writing Month.

Do you dream of using your words to bring the past to life?

You read historical fiction novels. And you likely spend a large chunk of your time awake thinking about Tudor England. I know I do. Maybe you dream of writing a novel based at the Tudor court. Or breathing life into the common people who lived five hundred years ago. People like you and me, who are only separated from us through time. You want to tell stories that make these people real. There are stories living inside of you, and you want to bring them out. You owe it to the characters to do that, right?

But where do you start? There can be so many ideas floating around in your head. Or, maybe it's the opposite, and there's just not enough. Nothing can be as frightening as staring at an empty document, the cursor blinking at you, mocking you for not writing fast enough. Or at all. Trying to get all those ideas out of your head, and on to the screen. 

That's where the Tudor Writing Prompt deck comes in. A deck of 52 cards, each with a writing prompt that will stir your imagination. They can range from story starters that are several sentences long, to simple three or four word ideas to expand. Pick one at random, or go through them methodically. It's up to you. 

They're all based in Tudor England, and they provide ideas and inspiration for stories set at Court, for intrigue, as well as stories centered around regular life. They will help stir ideas and prep your imagination. And if you are someone with too many ideas, they will provide focus.

Tudor Writing Prompts

Preorder One Deck Here (with free shipping)
Two Decks Here (a special price if you order one for you, and one for a gift) 
*In order for the cards to arrive in time for NaNoWriMo you need to purchase by October 5.*

Hi, I'm Heather, and in 2009 I created the Renaissance English History Podcast, making it one of the longest continuously running indie history podcasts out there. You're on the podcast site now - feel free to check it out and listen to the archives. I think you'll like it. I also produce a daily Tudor Minute - a short podcast about today in Tudor history that I send out with the transcript. I'm passionate about Renaissance England, and I spend my free time living there through music, books, and travel. When I tell stories about the people of Tudor England, I feel like I'm telling stories about my friends, and I love sharing their stories.

We're coming up on the best time of year to write a novel. National Novel Writing Month is a once-a-year event that inspires people around the world to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I've been participating in NaNoWriMo since 2009, and my novel Sideways and Backwards, a Novel of Time Travel and Self Discovery was born during NaNoWriMo. Publishing it was one of the proudest moments of my life, and I'm a proud supporter of NaNoWriMo each year.

I urge you to sign up and participate, and write your book and tell the stories of your friends in 16th century England. To provide encouragement and support, I'm setting up a November Novel Encouragement Group on Facebook. Everyone who purchases the cards can sign up to join the group. We'll share our word counts, our stories, our frustrations, and our big wins. You'll have constant support from others who are on the same journey. Run your ideas past them. Get resources for research. And make writing connections that may last a lifetime.  

But you only get to join the group if you're using the writing cards. This is my gift to you to provide a structured place to get the support to give birth to your novel or short stories.

Preorder One Deck Here (with free shipping)
Two Decks Here (a special price if you order one for you, and one for a gift) 
*In order for the cards to arrive in time for NaNoWriMo you need to purchase by October 5.*

You have stories inside you. These cards will help you bring them to life. Spend time every day with the cards, using them as story prompts or even as simple writing exercises. And your stories will come out of you. I can't wait to read them.

Pre-Order One Deck
(a perfect gift for yourself)

- Comes in a keepsake mesh bag
- Includes a free eBook with even more prompts
- Includes free shipping

This is a Pre-Order. The cards will ship by October 15, and will arrive in time for NaNoWriMo IF YOU ORDER BY OCTOBER 5.

Pre-Order Two Decks
(one for you, one for your writing partner!)

- Comes in a keepsake mesh bag
- Includes a free eBook with even more prompts
- Includes free shipping

This is a Pre-Order. The cards will ship by October 15, and will arrive in time for NaNoWriMo IF YOU ORDER BY OCTOBER 5.

Tudor Writing Prompts

Notes and Stuff:
Please remember that this is a pre-order. That means I'm collecting the orders by October 5, and the cards will ship on or before October 15. They will arrive in time for NaNoWriMo! 

I can't wait to see what wonderful stories these cards inspire. If you publish on wattpad, or any other story sharing site, or even publish a book, please tweet me (@teysko) and let me know!

Purchase with a Purpose:
I was inspired by history 25 years ago, thanks to some amazing high school history teachers, and to my first job as a student docent at Rock Ford Foundation, the 18th century home of a Revolutionary War general. That's why in 2017 I pledged to give 10% of my profits to the Lancaster County Historical Society in Lancaster, PA. They do great programs in my hometown, and I'm thrilled to make this pledge. I also pledge 5% of my profits to Kiva loans, which provide micro-loans to groups of people in developing countries. I focus my loans on women refugees. 

Return policy:
So I'm a one woman shop (okay, sometimes my hubby and parents help), and I don't have a big warehouse of these cards hanging around. So I don't have an official return policy per se. But I want  you to be happy. The folks who bought the Tudor Planner last year were thrilled, and I want to have the same kind of happy customers for these cards. So if you really don't like them, email me. We'll figure it out. I don't want you to look at them and resent them. I want you to look at them and feel happy, and I'll do whatever I can to make that happen.

Pre-Order One Deck
(a perfect gift for yourself)

- Comes in a keepsake mesh bag
- Includes a free eBook with even more prompts
- Includes free shipping

This is a Pre-Order. The cards will ship by October 15, and will arrive in time for NaNoWriMo!

Pre-Order Two Decks
(one for you, one for your writing partner!)

- Comes in a keepsake mesh bag
- Includes a free eBook with even more prompts
- Includes free shipping

This is a Pre-Order. The cards will ship by October 15, and will arrive in time for NaNoWriMo!

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