The Iron Industry of the Weald, December 2015

by Heather  - December 14, 2015

This episode was released on December 14, 2015

Map of the Weald
Map of the Weald


Enter the giveaway for the book I used to research much of this episode, The Wealden Iron Industry by Jeremy Hodgkinson here:

Furnace: photo credit:
Furnace: photo credit:

Industry in the Countryside: Wealden Society in the 16th Century by Michael Zell

The Wealden Iron Industry by Jeremy Hodgkinson


The Tudor Top 50 Program

A paper from 1895 available on Kent Archeology

Wadhurst Church’s iron memorials

Hogge House in Buxted 
hog house


The Sussex countryside
The Sussex countryside


The Ancient iron industry in the Weald


A Time Team show on the Iron Industry just a bit later, and in Yorkshire

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